music > solo > albums > hessian muzzle >
well it only took one look
to put me back up on your hook
the slab of meaty ready to be cut
no soul just entrails bone blood and guts
so Babylon you are my precious luv
with your crushed powders paints black knit gloves
pluck pretty pedals and watch me melt
tan my trust 'til I soften up and no longer welt
I had a vision on mom's linoleum floor
saved you from certain death hell fire and leprous sores
offered you solace but you gave me up instead
the torched skylines fumed forever you slept like an abandoned truck
wrap those fat parched lips round me
bottle let it spill out all over the throttle
that curse has not been lifted just don't
act like you're the only one who's gifted
well Like this tune you're a simple song sung you
and like always we well do just as
we please in our disease
©2014, Timothy James Swenson